Bus driver jobs in the United Kingdom
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Jobs related to your search
Adr driverAdt driverAmazon delivery van driverBike courierCar transporter driverCar transporterClass 2 driverCoach driverCourierDigger driverBus drivers are tasked with ensuring passenger safety and comfort while driving along designated routes, complying with traffic regulations, conducting vehicle inspections, assisting passengers in boarding and disembarking, and maintaining a clean bus environment throughout their shifts.
To work as a bus driver, candidates must possess a valid PCV license, excellent communication skills, a clean driving record, and the ability to follow strict safety guidelines. Mechanical knowledge and a customer-oriented approach are also essential for effective performance.
Similar professions and job titles to bus driver are: Adr driver, Adt driver, Amazon delivery van driver, Bike courier, Car transporter driver, Car transporter, Class 2 driver, Coach driver
Average bus driver earnings in the United Kingdom vary around £2,225 monthly. Low experienced position salaries are typically around £1,083.33 per month when high experienced ones offer up to £3,591.67 per month.