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Average Salary Range for Window Cleaner in the United Kingdom, 2024

Medium confidence
£22,000 / year
Based on 334 salaries

As of our last update in 2024, The average salary for Window Cleaner in the United Kingdom is £22,000 per year.

The minimum and maximum salaries for Window Cleaner can differ significantly based on multiple factors, such as skills and qualifications. For entry-level positions or those with limited experience, the minimum salary typically falls around £20,840 to £25,555 annually.

However, highly skilled or specialized workers can potentially earn well above the average with a maximum salary of £28,984 per year.

Companies can also offer competitive compensation packages that may include additional benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, and professional development opportunities. The final salary offer will be based on factors such as the candidate's skills, experience, and the company's internal salary structure.

  1. Jobs in the United Kingdom
  2. Calculate your salary
  3. Window cleaner